Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. We’re committed to empowering Australians to be suicide-safe through connection, compassion and hope.
Abeles Consulting and Psychotherapy is a team of psychotherapists led by Dr Roby Abeles. Providing Expert, Whole-Person Focused, Integrated Treatment and Guidance for the Resolution of Trauma, Addictions, and Mood Disorders. Consultations to improve, integrate, regulate and restore physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual health
Trauma can overwhelm the brain’s processing capacity leaving behind pieces of the trauma, frozen in an unprocessed state. Brainspotting® uses your field of vision to find where you are holding pieces of the trauma in your brain. Your eyes can actually scan inside your brain as well as outside!
As a client, why choose Brainspotting? from VidPros on Vimeo.
SOMATIC EXPERIENCING (SE™) is a potent psychobiological method for resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress. It is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine, resulting from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, Indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, together with over 45 years of successful clinical application. The SE approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for treating trauma.
The Australian Childhood Foundation works to save children from the trauma of child abuse, neglect and family violence.
Childhood trauma, both inter-generational (trauma from past events passed on to children) and direct (experienced through exposure to an accident, family violence or abuse), can be severe and long-lasting but can be overcome by appropriate interventions.
NSW Rape Crisis is the 24/7 telephone and online crisis counselling service for anyone in NSW – men and women – who has experienced or is at risk of sexual assault and their non-offending supporters. Counselling services for women who were sexually assaulted in childhood are also available from Women’s Health Centres across NSW
Barbara Schmidt is an expert in trauma healing. I often quote/share her insights. She is practising in Western Australia. She has developed a unique and holistic approach to grief and trauma recovery over the last 20 years. Somatic Experiencing, EMDR and gentle Emotional Release in conjunction with Mindfulness and Visualization build the foundation of her work and Barbara enjoys working on a deep and lasting level in therapy and supervision sessions.