On the last day of year 2013 I was thinking what do I really think of this year, what happened? What did I learn? Not just in the formal sense of the schools and courses I am involved in, but also through the connection to people I have met and the places I have visited. The main thing I learned (or more like re-learned) was GRATITUDE. I always been considerably grateful. I believed I also had a lot to be grateful for. I had the privilege this year to meet Brené Brown and learn from her and her team of wonderful people. In her research she talks about gratitude as something that we are all familiar with but with don’t necessarily practice. We have a gratitude attitude but we don’t have a gratitude practice. We might have a moment ‘oh yeah that’s great,..but’. She calls us on to develop a gratitude practice when we actually take some time to connect with the feeling and the knowledge of what we are grateful for. Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a neuropsychologist and New York Times best-selling author who also calls on us to develop a practice of gratitude and to take conscious time to connect with the things that give us joy. In his book ‘Hardwiring Happiness’ he gives practical advice on how to actually do that. We can all wait for the big win on the lotto but if we miss all the beauty around us whilst we are waiting – that big win wont make us happy or grateful.
So with a video from:
I would love to express my gratitude to everyone I had the privilege of connecting with this year!