Viewing posts in category: Body image

World Mental Health Day 2024
Mental Health Day: A Time for Reflection and Action As we mark another Mental Health Day, we must pause and consider the state of our collective well-being. Recent years have presented unprecedented challenges for Australians and humanity in general. Natural disasters are continuing, and the global pandemic’s leftover disruption still affects us. The horror of … read more

5 signs you could have disordered eating
Orthorexia rates are on the rise. Wellness habits are meant to result in a healthy overall lifestyle, but for some, it sends them along a dark and dangerous road of disordered eating, as psychotherapist Andrea Szasz explains.

Body&Soul 10 subtle signs you may have unresolved childhood trauma

Recently I had a conversation with Lucy E. Cousins from Marie-Claire about what happens when healthy eating becomes dangerous. I am called a Dr in the article, which is not yet true. I am in the process of doing my PhD but it is a long road 🙂 Orthorexia is a term used to describe … read more

My Favorite Podcasts
The pandemic sent me on long walks alone. However, I did discover the area I live in more detail and found some hidden gems. I also found some fantastic walking partners in some podcasts. Here are the ones I absolutely love: Soul Sessions with Jodie Gale Podcast An excellent resource for women, and not just … read more

Free Live Event Neurodharma by Dr. Rick Hanson
The person we long to be – and already are, deep down – is usually covered over with stresses, distractions, fears, and regrets. If you’d like practical tips for letting go of your suffering to uncover your true self, please check out this FREE webinar with my good friend and New York Times bestselling author … read more

Psychotherapy is Evidence Based
Mental health issues are constantly in the news. We are suffering from relational problems, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and so on. These ‘disorders’ or other mental health diagnoses are often stem from untreated traumas in our life. Our government and the media only seem to know about one way of treating these life challenging issues … read more

3 Self-Help Books to Be-Friend Yourself, Your Body and Your Tribe
Recently a client of mine showed me the book: Your Resonant Self. I love learning from my clients. Our work reminded her of what she read in the book. I become very intrigued so I had to check it out. Sarah Peyton managed to write a very accessible and practical book to help people with difficult issues … read more

Kristin Neff Advanced Self-Compassion Workshop, what I have learnt.
Some of you know that in May I was lucky enough to be part of Kristin Neff’s advanced self-compassion workshop that was held in Texas. The event itself was very exciting and inspiring as 200+ Daring Way™ Facilitators all over the world gathered to learn from Brené Brown, Kristin Neff and from each other. If … read more

The Foundations of Well-Being
Hello Dear Brave Friends, I wanted to tell you about a yearlong, online program that has been changing thousands of lives—The Foundations of Well-Being. In this guided, step-by-step program, Rick Hanson, Ph. D. shows you how to use the science of positive neuroplasticity to turn ordinary experiences into powerful inner strengths, including kindness toward yourself, insight into … read more

Examining our life and developing our sense of self with compassion and love takes time and effort.
Dear Brave Friends, I am sending you this nice warming image in this ‘cold winter’ morning. I am originally from Hungary so I still feel spoiled by our beautiful winter here in Sydney 🙂 The quote on the picture is from a book I read recently: The Examined Life, by Stephen Grosz. Such a beautiful … read more

Kristin Neff Advanced Self-Compassion Workshop, what I have learnt.
Some of you know that in May I was lucky enough to be part of Kristin Neff’s advanced self-compassion workshop that was held in Texas. The event itself was very exciting and inspiring as 200+ Daring Way™ Facilitators all over the world gathered to learn from Brené Brown, Kristin Neff and from each other. If … read more

My Desire Map workshops start… NOW!
My Desire Map workshops start… NOW! The Desire Map started out as a book, written by Danielle LaPorte. From there, it became the driver of over 500 book clubs around the world. At the heart of it all? A commitment to feeling good. Cynics would say that choosing to place your focus on feeling good … read more

‘You look great, did you lose weight?’
This is a phrase that I hear sometimes, and I am pretty sure I used it too. Often enough I hear it when I actually just feel tired and exhausted. Sometimes hearing it, I get angry and upset. It feels quite violating to be measured by the assumed changes of my inches. The instant thought … read more
‘Rising Strong’ a new book from Brené Brown will be in bookstores on the 25th August
I am very excited about her new book which is a natural continuum of Daring Greatly. Watch her manifesto below and if you are interested you can book into one of my Daring Way™ groups. In these I will cover the new material from Rising Strong as well. Rising Strong Trailer from Brené Brown … read more