I wanted to tell you about a great new online program: http://www.rickhanson.net/BraveTherapy/foundations-program
Starting this October, the experiential, yearlong Foundations program will hardwire more happiness, resilience, self-worth, love, and peace into your brain and your life.
It’s taught by Rick Hanson, Ph.D. Rick is a Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, and invited speaker at Oxford, Harvard, and Stanford universities. He’s also a New York Times bestselling author (Buddha’s Brain, Hardwiring Happiness, Just One Thing, Mother Nurture), neuropsychologist, meditation teacher, and very down-to-earth, practical, and warm-hearted guy.
It’s a year of transformation. You’ll develop the 12 Pillars of Well-Being: Self-Caring, Mindfulness, Learning, Vitality, Gratitude, Confidence, Calm, Motivation, Intimacy, Courage, Aspiration, and Service.
Each month, you’ll get:
• Two hours of video presentations from Rick Hanson – with fascinating ideas, powerful methods, and guided practices
• Two more videos of experiential activities
• PowerPoint slidesets and other written materials
• Community forums
And each month, you’ll get a new hourlong video interview with leading experts, including Tara Brach, Steven Porges and Sue Carter, Dan Siegel, Barbara Fredrickson, Gretchen Rubin, Jack Kornfield, Paul Gilbert, Daniel Ellenberg, Sharon Salzberg, Anat Baniel, Joan Halifax, and John Ratey.
You can see why I really hope you will register for the Foundations of Well-Being.
It will be jam-packed with inspiration, emotional support, and powerful tools – all available in an archive for access any time, including in audio-only formats for easy listening on the go.
This program is for anyone, with special benefits for counselors, educators, coaches, parents, mindfulness teachers, and healthcare professionals, and human resources trainers.
It’s about growing powerful inner resources like confidence, self-compassion, mindfulness, emotional balance, and joy in daily life.
It costs just $25/month for a year. And there’s a great Early Bird Special – a $50 value – if you sign up by August 31. http://www.rickhanson.net/BraveTherapy/foundations-program
Right now if you sign up in the next few days I can pass on a $25 discount. Contact me on: andi@bravetherapy.com
There’s even a money-back guarantee.
And psychotherapists, social workers, and nurses can receive 24 continuing education credits for just $50.
What a great way to grow your own Foundations of Well-Being!
Best wishes,
Andi Szasz