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Viewing posts in post_tag: hope

Is it really better help?

Why Online Therapy Platforms Like BetterHelp Miss the Mark: A Psychodynamic Perspective As a psychotherapist specialising in trauma and attachment, I’ve been watching the rise of online therapy platforms like BetterHelp with growing concern. While increasing access to mental health support is crucial, these platforms often overlook the fundamental aspects of what makes therapy transformative. … read more

Somatic Practice with Anita Whelen at Brave Therapy™

I am very excited to introduce Anita Whelen Somatic Experiencing Practitioner who joined my practice in January. While we practice in different ways, our work highly compliments each-other. Anita’s background is in body work, while I am a psychodynamic and somatic psychotherapist. Here is a conversation I had with Anita about her work. As a … read more

More Resources

Hi there, dear Brave Therapy™ friends and clients, I hope you are all safe and healthy and somewhat adjusted to the current changes to our lives. While it has been a big, stressful and somewhat painful change there has been so many beautiful, generous offering of resources out there. I am sure you have been … read more

Resources for the lockdown

Strange times we live in. Waking up each morning, listening to the birds, whom are becoming louder as the traffic reduces, I am thinking the same as many of you: and other day in the lock down….. It has been not easy to try to find the new rhythm of things. What I have learnt … read more

Wishing Everyone a Safe, Peaceful and Rich in Connection New Year!

Somehow just wishing Happy New Year does not fit today. Our country is burning. The Earth is in distress, I think she might be outraged. For many of us, loved ones; family  and animals are in danger of the fires. It is hard to celebrate. So to bring Joy to myself today,  I am choosing … read more

The Age of Loneliness. Why do we need Psychotherapy more than ever?

In my practice many clients walk through my door looking for support with their relational issues. As a trauma and attachment specialist I often imagine what their life was like at the start? Who was around, how did they learn how to relate, how did they learn who they are?   When we are born … read more

Practicing Shame Resilience Shame is not easy to talk about. It is a powerful emotion and can have trans-generational effects if it is not talked about and processed (Bradshaw, 1988). In order to develop a sense of worth, we need to have a parental figure giving our experience value. (Meares, 2005). If this is lacking, we believe … read more

What I have learnt from Honourable Justice Peter McClellan.

On the Labour Day weekend just gone, I attended the 30th anniversary conference of ANZAP, the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy. While there was a strong sense of celebration at our collective achievements, and we were encouraged at the continuing success of the Conversational Model of Psychotherapy, we were also keenly aware that our … read more

How to Enjoy the Holiday Season

Christmas and New Years can bring up some angst for many of us. This is the time that we spend with family and friends, often with people who we do not necessarily get along with. Important time for practicing our boundaries. Think about how do you want to feel after the holiday season. Want to … read more

Great tips for dealing with anxiety

Recently Australia Counselling collected 15 experts’ advise for dealing with anxiety. Here is the link to the article to check it out:: Here you can see parts of my contribution to the article. One of the easiest and most useful exercise I found is the following breathing exercise: breathe in through your nose for … read more

The Daring Way™ in Sydney 27th-28th September.

  I am very exited about running The Daring Way™ workshop in South Pacific Private. We teamed up to offer this hugely popular program in America to the Australian community as well. This program definietly turned my life around. Courage become my driving force 🙂 and more things then ever before become possible. Previous participants … read more

Foundations of Well-Being with Rick Hanson and his amazing guests.

Hello, Recently I attended to the Childhood Trauma Foundation’s amazing conference. The speakers and presenters, many of them presenting in this online course as well, inspired me so much that; I wanted to tell you about a great new online program: Starting this October, the experiential, yearlong Foundations program will hardwire more happiness, resilience, … read more

Brené Brown on Vulnerability

If you liked this talk and want to learn more about her check out my workshop 🙂

Beautiful feedback from the 1st ever Daring Way™ group in Australia I held last weekend

Thank you ladies, you rock!!! More workshop dates will be announced soon. Check back in here for details. Andi

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