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Viewing posts in post_tag: brain

World Mental Health Day 2024

Mental Health Day: A Time for Reflection and Action As we mark another Mental Health Day, we must pause and consider the state of our collective well-being. Recent years have presented unprecedented challenges for Australians and humanity in general. Natural disasters are continuing, and the global pandemic’s leftover disruption still affects us. The horror of … read more

5 signs you could have disordered eating

Orthorexia rates are on the rise. Wellness habits are meant to result in a healthy overall lifestyle, but for some, it sends them along a dark and dangerous road of disordered eating, as psychotherapist Andrea Szasz explains. 

5 ways psychotherapy can help to improve your life

Psychotherapy helps us to develop a positive outlook for the future. Resolving past traumas, less then nurturing experiences and attachment disruptions is the main aim of therapy. Being heard, seen and supported in emotionally sensitive way can help to connect to our positive sense of self (Meares, 2000). Learning to relate via the safe containment … read more


We’ve all had moments when our mind is calm, loving, happy, present, and awake to stillness and possibility. But for many of us, that quickly gets covered over with daily stresses, distractions, fears, and regrets. In Dr. Rick Hanson’s new online program, Neurodharma, you’ll explore seven characteristics of the wisest people who’ve ever lived, and … read more

3 Self-Help Books to Be-Friend Yourself, Your Body and Your Tribe

Recently a client of mine showed me the book: Your Resonant Self. I love learning from my clients. Our work reminded her of what she read in the book. I become very intrigued so I had to check it out. Sarah Peyton managed to write a very accessible and practical book to help people with difficult issues … read more

Practicing Shame Resilience Shame is not easy to talk about. It is a powerful emotion and can have trans-generational effects if it is not talked about and processed (Bradshaw, 1988). In order to develop a sense of worth, we need to have a parental figure giving our experience value. (Meares, 2005). If this is lacking, we believe … read more

Kristin Neff Advanced Self-Compassion Workshop, what I have learnt.

Some of you know that in May I was lucky enough to be part of Kristin Neff’s advanced self-compassion workshop that was held in Texas. The event itself was very exciting and inspiring as 200+ Daring Way™ Facilitators all over the world gathered to learn from Brené Brown, Kristin Neff and from each other. If … read more

Kristin Neff Advanced Self-Compassion Workshop, what I have learnt.

Some of you know that in May I was lucky enough to be part of Kristin Neff’s advanced self-compassion workshop that was held in Texas. The event itself was very exciting and inspiring as 200+ Daring Way™ Facilitators all over the world gathered to learn from Brené Brown, Kristin Neff and from each other. If … read more

The Foundations of Well-Being

SIGN UP NOW FOR LASTING WELL-BEING For about $1 a day, Rick Hanson, Ph.D. supports you through a fascinating, science-based, heartfelt, and enjoyable year of positive brain change, giving you what you need to: experience more pleasure and joy in daily life have more loving, satisfying relationships free yourself from past painful experiences feel better … read more

Great report by ABC on EMDR

EMDR is a trauma treatment. It stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. Quite different from the talk therapies. This short report can explain and demonstrate for you how it works. I successfully used EMDR and other brain-based treatment like Brainspotting in the treatment of trauma. If you have been suffering and have not tried these … read more

How to Enjoy the Holiday Season

Christmas and New Years can bring up some angst for many of us. This is the time that we spend with family and friends, often with people who we do not necessarily get along with. Important time for practicing our boundaries. Think about how do you want to feel after the holiday season. Want to … read more

The Mindfulness Summit: A FREE online event with 31 of the world’s leading teachers

  If you were to describe your life at the moment, how many of us would use the word ‘busy.’ How many of you have never ending ‘to;do’ lists? If someone asks you how you are – How many of you would reply ‘Good….but*busy.’ Why are we so obsessed with packing our schedules, thinking a … read more

‘Rising Strong’ a new book from Brené Brown will be in bookstores on the 25th August

I am very excited about her new book which is a natural continuum of Daring Greatly. Watch her manifesto below and if you are interested you can book into one of my Daring Way™ groups. In these I will cover the new material from Rising Strong as well.   Rising Strong Trailer from Brené Brown … read more

Great tips for dealing with anxiety

Recently Australia Counselling collected 15 experts’ advise for dealing with anxiety. Here is the link to the article to check it out:: Here you can see parts of my contribution to the article. One of the easiest and most useful exercise I found is the following breathing exercise: breathe in through your nose for … read more

From Barbara Schmidt: Reptilian, mammal and rational brain “speak” different languages: Trauma Education II

This is the second part of trauma education by my friend and colleague and fellow Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner: Barbara Schmidt check out her website: When someone is stressed out & irrational it makes sense to explore negative thinking and to help that person to return to rational thinking (CBT). In Trauma however the frontal … read more

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