Recently a client of mine showed me the book: Your Resonant Self. I love learning from my clients. Our work reminded her of what she read in the book. I become very intrigued so I had to check it out. Sarah Peyton managed to write a very accessible and practical book to help people with difficult issues like, critical inner voice, lack of self compassion, shame, depression and anxiety. She beautifully weaved interpersonal neurobiology, stress system management, brain science and other complicated concepts in a way that is easy to understand. The book is also organised very well. After explaining a concept, case examples give them life and make the ideas very relate-able. Suggestions for meditation practice are also given. The meditation/visualisations and the reasons for using them are explained clearly. She also has great resources that complement the book like the recorded versions of the meditations , online book clubs and a YouTube channel. I think recording the meditations in our own voice using prosody and lovely empathetic sounds and then listening to that could have great healing effect on our own psyche. I love how she emphasizes the engagement of the body in healing. The only problem with this book that I did not write it 🙂
And last but not least, Brené Brown’s latest book Braving The Wilderness. As a facilitator of her work I was very excited about this book. I read it as soon as it came out last year. It generated some great explorations in my therapy room. It also had a personal effect on me. This book is entirely contemporary and Brené explores our isolation and the divide that is truly happening, not just in America but all over the world. As with all of her books, I felt that she was talking directly to me. I also had a sense that a very wise auntie who caught me in some bad behavior was talking to me about how to be better. She gives practical insight, for example, on to how to Speak Truth to Bullshit or how to have a Strong Back, Soft Front and Wild Heart.