Dear Brave Therapy™ Friend,
We face challenges every day.
While fixing a particular problem helps in any given moment, more obstacles eventually arise, and we’re left feeling overwhelmed, stressed, irritable, and depleted. You’ve probably seen this yourself.

Much research has shown that the real path to lasting joy, satisfaction, and inner peace… is to build up strengths inside our minds—which means rewiring our brains—so that we can handle any challenge with confidence and ease.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to join Dr. Rick Hanson in his Foundations of Well-Being 2.0 program.
Starting January 1, he’ll guide you through a yearlong journey where you will grow a new skill each week to develop 12 very specific inner strengths for lasting well-being. You’ll use the science of positive neuroplasticity to:
- Steady your mind
- Feel calm and confident
- Support and advocate for yourself
- Improve your relationships
- Become more motivated and resilient
Every week you’ll get a new video talk, guided audio practice, and self-assessment quiz from Rick – plus a bonus goodie: a creative activity or guest expert interview. AND – throughout the year, you’ll get LIVE access to Rick in FWB-exclusive Q&As.
Rick Hanson is a New York Times bestselling author, a psychologist, a Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center, a meditation teacher, and a very down-to-earth, practical, and warm-hearted guy.
Also, if you’re a mental health professional in the US, you may be able to receive up to 20 CE credits.
You really can change your brain — and your life — for the better, and Rick will guide you through the process step-by-step.
Start feeling less stressed or worried, become more mindful and grateful, free yourself from past painful experiences, and get more pleasure and joy from your daily life.
Best wishes,