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How to BRAVE the Holiday Season

How to BRAVE the Holiday Season   The holiday season is the time of the year when there might be some extra relational demands of us. While the festive season is generally a happy time, the reflections and celebrations can also be challenging. There are expectations; from family members with whom we may share some … read more

National Psychotherapy Day

For the national psychotherapy day I put together a little questionnaire to ask about experiences in therapy. The themes that came up were not surprising to me. Most people who answered the questions were appreciating their therapy experiences. Naturally there would be a bias because most people who this questionnaire reached are interested in psychotherapy. … read more

5 ways psychotherapy can help to improve your life

Psychotherapy helps us to develop a positive outlook for the future. Resolving past traumas, less then nurturing experiences and attachment disruptions is the main aim of therapy. Being heard, seen and supported in emotionally sensitive way can help to connect to our positive sense of self (Meares, 2000). Learning to relate via the safe containment … read more


We’ve all had moments when our mind is calm, loving, happy, present, and awake to stillness and possibility. But for many of us, that quickly gets covered over with daily stresses, distractions, fears, and regrets. In Dr. Rick Hanson’s new online program, Neurodharma, you’ll explore seven characteristics of the wisest people who’ve ever lived, and … read more

Psychotherapy is Evidence Based

Mental health issues are constantly in the news. We are suffering  from relational problems, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and so on. These ‘disorders’ or other mental health diagnoses are often stem from untreated traumas in our life. Our government and the media only seem to know about one way of treating these life challenging issues … read more

The Age of Loneliness. Why do we need Psychotherapy more than ever?

In my practice many clients walk through my door looking for support with their relational issues. As a trauma and attachment specialist I often imagine what their life was like at the start? Who was around, how did they learn how to relate, how did they learn who they are?   When we are born … read more

How to BRAVE the Holiday Season

How to BRAVE the Holiday Season   The holiday season is the time of the year when there might be some extra relational demands of us. While the festive season is generally a happy time, the reflections and celebrations can also be challenging. There are expectations; from family members with whom we may share some … read more

3 of My Favorite Resources for Loving Relationship

As a psychotherapist, I find that the most common reason clients come to therapy is related to unhappiness in their relationship. Sometimes there are simple communication problems that can be changed in a few sessions, but more often there are deep-seated issues.  Our early experiences in life can create patterns of relating that last through … read more

3 Self-Help Books to Be-Friend Yourself, Your Body and Your Tribe

Recently a client of mine showed me the book: Your Resonant Self. I love learning from my clients. Our work reminded her of what she read in the book. I become very intrigued so I had to check it out. Sarah Peyton managed to write a very accessible and practical book to help people with difficult issues … read more

Kristin Neff Advanced Self-Compassion Workshop, what I have learnt.

Some of you know that in May I was lucky enough to be part of Kristin Neff’s advanced self-compassion workshop that was held in Texas. The event itself was very exciting and inspiring as 200+ Daring Way™ Facilitators all over the world gathered to learn from Brené Brown, Kristin Neff and from each other. If … read more

A Desire Map Program for the New Year!

The word “resolution” is rooted in a beautiful idea that’s nearly 700 years old: in Latin, it means the process of reducing things into simpler forms. Mmmhmm. We’ve gotten lost on the way to New Year’s resolutions, didn’t we? There’s a much better way to create the year you want. No baggage, less striving. More … read more

I love this quote. I feel it in my body, know it in my heart. Unfortunately there is so much disconnection in our lives and I find the current political tension is further dividing. In my practice one of the biggest theme that is surfacing is: loneliness. Loneliness and isolation is negatively effecting our physical … read more

Examining our life and developing our sense of self with compassion and love takes time and effort.

Dear Brave Friends, I am sending you this nice warming image in this ‘cold winter’ morning. I am originally from Hungary so I still feel spoiled by our beautiful winter here in Sydney 🙂 The quote on the picture is from a book I read recently: The Examined Life, by Stephen Grosz. Such a beautiful … read more

Kristin Neff Advanced Self-Compassion Workshop, what I have learnt.

Some of you know that in May I was lucky enough to be part of Kristin Neff’s advanced self-compassion workshop that was held in Texas. The event itself was very exciting and inspiring as 200+ Daring Way™ Facilitators all over the world gathered to learn from Brené Brown, Kristin Neff and from each other. If … read more

My mum has depression- book by Nina Mitchell

A very brave mum wrote me an email. She wrote a book, based on her own experience to help kids understand depression. My name is Nina Mitchell. I am the mother of three boys, a qualified primary school teacher and now a first-time author. I have also suffered from depression for several years. While being … read more

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